
My name is Samantha. I am 31 years old, and I have three kids ages 8, 10 and 14. I am sharing my story to shine light on the Transitional Living (TL) Program and the impact The Shelter has made in my life.

I grew up in a home with domestic violence. As a young girl I remember nights when I had to pull my mom’s boyfriend off her because he was in a drunken rage. I always told myself I would never be like my mom. She masked her pain with alcohol and drugs. I thought the things that happened in my home were normal. I was surprised when my friends told me their moms didn’t use drugs. I thought they were weird.

I met my abuser when I was 14. By the time I was 19, I was in and out of The Shelter. I would try to escape the relationship, but something would always pull me back. I would believe and hang on to that little piece of hope that he would change. I tried so hard to break the dysfunctional cycle, but it was like a curse that followed me. When I turned 29, I was fed up with the abuse. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t keep watching my son’s face every time I went back. I was disappointing him.

On Oct. 26, 2019, I walked into The Shelter with a whole new perspective. I got a job within the first week. I transferred my kids’ schools. I met weekly with my emergency shelter advocate, and we set goals. I had never put this much effort in getting help in the past.

My 14-year-old didn’t really know how to express his feelings. At The Shelter, he started meeting with a Raising Gentle’men advocate and he absolutely loved it. The counseling that is offered for the children is phenomenal.

I remember the day my advocate told me she was going to recommend me for the TL Program. I was the type of person who never got my hopes up, so I brushed it off and I continued to work hard. When I was told I was picked out of the top six for an interview, I still had doubts, because again, “nothing good happens to me” and I had enough money to get a place if I wasn’t selected.

The day my advocate told me I was chosen for a TL cottage; I was in complete shock. A lot of emotions ran through me because I was never ready before, but thanks to my advocate and The Shelter’s many services, my kids and I were blossoming. Although I had doubts in myself, The Shelter never doubted me. I can’t express how grateful I am, knowing that the TL program was the step I needed to get out the door and show my kids what stability is.

During my two years in the TL program, I worked as hard as I could. I was able to get my GED and saved up $7,000. I learned how to set boundaries and how to stand firm. I also learned how to be independent and most importantly, I learned MY WORTH. After 16 years with my abuser, I can finally say I’M FREE!

I can’t believe how fast two years flew by. As I leave Transitional Living, I am proud to say I now have my own house – my first real hard-working home. If someone told me I would be sitting in my own house, two years ago, I definitely wouldn’t believe them but here I am with my kids in my own house. I honestly wouldn’t have done it if it was not for the TL program. I hope the next family in the cottage finds as much peace as my family did. Thank you all so much for everything.