COVID-19 Precautions for Shelter Volunteers

Dear Volunteers

In an abundance of caution, and for the protection and safety of our participants, volunteers and staff we are making temporary restrictions regarding volunteers on site at The Shelter location. Let me be clear: at this time, we have NO known or reported cases of the virus among either staff or participants. However, if we want to keep it that way, we will have to make some informed adjustments to our practices.

Shelter and Outreach Volunteers- There will be no need for volunteers to come to The Shelter unless you are a regularly scheduled Direct Service Volunteer in Emergency Shelter. This restriction includes parties planned for participants by The Guild.  If you are a Direct Service Volunteer, and have a regular weekly assignment, you are still welcome to come at your discretion. As you can imagine, keeping our Emergency Shelter as sterile as possible is our biggest volunteer need and we appreciate your support.

Options Volunteers- Options is open for business and if you are comfortable, we can use your help! We are using every precaution to stay clean and sterile to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers and shoppers. For example, logging in and out can be done manually by staff, aprons may be checked out and washed at home by volunteers, gloves will be available and all surfaces that are touched will be cleaned with disinfectant continuously throughout the day.  We are using the guidelines set forth by the CDC to ensure our store is the safest environment possible. Please use your best judgment as your health and safety is of great importance. If you have chosen to self-isolate, we honor and respect your decision!

If you have a weakened immune system or if you show any signs of illness, please stay home!
We will keep you posted as things change. Please feel free to call if you have any questions.

Stay well!
Tami Wellford
Volunteer & Resource Manager