Oberhaus named president of new Florida domestic violence coalition

Linda Oberhaus, CEO of The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, has been named president of the newly-formed Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence (FPEDV), a membership-based nonprofit partnership of certified domestic violence centers in the state of Florida.

In this volunteer leadership position, Oberhaus will lead the FPEDV to become Florida’s new federally recognized domestic violence coalition, featuring an inclusive, diverse membership and upholding the highest ethical standards for fiscal accountability.

“FPEDV member organizations are the experts on domestic violence and delivering services efficiently and effectively,” Oberhaus said. “The FPEDV will provide essential support to members through training, technical assistance, advocacy and education based on experience serving Florida communities for more than 40 years and drawing on national networks and resources.”

The new agency was created in response to the dissolving of Florida’s previous coalition in 2020.  The Department of Children & Families (DCF) assumed temporary responsibility for funding and oversight. It is the goal of FPEDV to fulfill Florida’s requirement under the Family Violence Prevention & Services Act (FVPSA) for a domestic violence coalition to protect federal funding for Florida’s 41 certified domestic violence centers, coordinate statewide services and address issues that impact domestic violence survivors.

In July 2020, FPEDV elected a Board of Directors and adopted bylaws modeled on other successful state coalitions. The agency is committed to providing accountability and fully transparent governance and financial information to state and federal public funding sources. Many safeguards have been put into place including full transparency, membership inclusion, board term limits and more.

Nationally, domestic violence coalitions are critical partners with government, private industry, non-profit and faith-based communities, and other stakeholders to effectively coordinate and improve the safety-net of services available to victims and their dependents. For more information on FPEDV, go to fpedv.org.