Prepare an escape bag

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Keep this bag/box/suitcase in a safe place away from home (at work or a friend’s).

Place ‘originals’ in the bag except for items you must carry with you or things you can’t take without the abuser knowing. Do not use your car or purse.

  • Identification for you and your children: driver’s license, birth certificates, Social Security or Green cards
  • Extra keys: car, house, storage, business, etc.
  • Checkbook, ATM Card, credit cards, bank books, etc.
  • Address book and phone numbers
  • Food stamps, Medicaid cards, insurance cards, etc.
  • Car registration; car, health and life insurance papers
  • School and medical records
  • Divorce, custody or injunction papers
  • Proof of your partner’s income (copy of a check stub)
  • Home calling card (calls can be traced and cell phones have GPS in them)
  • Copies of bills you owe with partner
  • Change of clothes
  • Medications and prescriptions for you, your children and pets (bring extra)
  • Personal hygiene products (toothbrushes, tampons, deodorant, etc.);
  • Children’s comfort items – toys, blankets
  • Pictures, jewelry, keepsakes
  • Abuser’s personal information (date of birth, Social Security number, work permit information, place of employment, vehicle description and license plate)
  • Picture of family which includes abuser
  • Lease or titles of property

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