Healthy Relationships at Oakridge Middle School


Healthy Relationships

Thank you to Oakridge Middle School for allowing our advocate Sandra Hack to present our Healthy Relationships program to their students. It is through outreach and education that The Shelter hopes to prevent abuse before it begins.

At least one out of every four teens is involved in a dating violence relationship by the time they leave high school.  The objective of the Teen Healthy Relationships program is to facilitate dating violence primary prevention presentations for middle and high school students, ultimately changing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of adolescent boys and girls and reducing the occurrence of violence against women.

Since 2009, The Shelter’s Teen Healthy Relationship program has provided students the opportunity to learn facts about the different types of abuse, the dynamics of dating violence, characteristics of unhealthy and healthy relationships, and how to set boundaries in a relationship. They also learn about ways to help friends involved in abusive relationship and how to create a safety plan.

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