Bluebird Cottage welcomes new family

Thank you to The Shelter Guild Cottage Committee Chairs Karen Colgain and Katy Tetta and their fabulous team for preparing Bluebird Cottage for a new Transitional Living family!

When she got to her cottage, the participant stood at the front door with big eyes and a bigger smile. We opened the front door and she smiled and cried at the same time. She absolutely loved the kids rooms and her bedroom. She said, “Wow! After sleeping in a shelter bed for months, this is going to make me feel like a princess!”

She looked in all the cabinets of the kitchen. When she saw the KitchenAid she clapped her hands, “I can finally cook again!” We then went to the back porch. She sat down in one of the porch chairs and took a deep breath – “I truly didn’t know what to expect but I never dreamt it would be this beautiful and calm. We all thank you for everything”

In a thank you note to her advocate, she wrote, “The kids were super happy they loved the detail of everything. They didn’t want to leave their rooms last night and actually finished homework quickly! Ha ha! I have never honestly felt at such peace as I did last night in my new little cottage and  it was great to see my children so happy after being so sad for so long. Those days are over! I wish you all to be blessed!”

For more information on the Transitional Living program, CLICK HERE, or call 239-775-3862.

CLICK HERE to view more transitional cottage renovations.