
Portrait of a 4 years fashion mulatto girl
Four-year-old Alyssa and her mom Shauna came to emergency shelter after years of emotional and physical abuse by Alyssa’s father. Shauna had just started nursing school and was relieved to learn The Shelter offered on-site childcare. As she looked over the list of required supplies, she assured her advocate that Alyssa had everything she needed.
But on her first day of childcare, Alyssa arrived in a pair of purple flip flops several sizes too big for her tiny feet. The advocate asked Shauna if Alyssa had any other shoes to wear on the playground.
With shame in her eyes, Shauna admitted the shoes actually belonged to her. She promised to find a way to purchase appropriate footwear for Alyssa.
The advocate explained The Shelter has donations of shoes for this very situation. She asked if she could pick out a few pair and let Alyssa choose the ones she wanted.
It didn’t take long for Alyssa to choose. When she saw the bright pink sneakers, her eyes grew wide. The advocate asked if she would like to try them on and she quickly nodded. They were a perfect fit!
That evening, as she prepared to leave, Alyssa removed the shoes and handed them to the childcare advocate.
“These are your shoes now,” the advocate explained as she handed them back.
“These are MY shoes?” Alyssa asked in disbelief. “I get to keep them!?”
Alyssa’s response reflects the transformations we see each day at The Shelter. Like replacing an ill-fitting pair of shoes, survivors are freed from crippling pain and violence and empowered to embrace new ideals that are ‘just the right fit’ for their lives.