Thanks to the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation, The Shelter received a grant to create a series of animated videos for the Raising Gentle’men curriculum. After talking with Raising Gentle’men Advocate Mackindy Dieu, GADV member Bill Villafranco and graphic artist Gabriel Gigliotti created three short PSA’s designed to grab interest, raise awareness and initiate a dialog among Raising Gentle’men participants.

As one of The Shelter’s school-based prevention programs, Raising Gentle’men helps boys and young men evolve beyond macho stereotypes to develop self-respect and respect for others and then share what they’ve learned. CLICK HERE for more information.

From the video creator:

” There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, especially when  it comes to life lessons and changing the way young men think. So the addition of videos to this program could grab the attention of the boys in a more effective way. The videos don’t answer all the questions. They leave a slight opening, which is effective because it forces the viewer to think, to make the connection the videos don’t completely make. Getting young people to engage is largely about asking questions and helping them get to the answers themselves.” ~ Gabriel Gigliotti