Home is not a safe place for everybody – help us spread the word

A joint press release with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office


Home is not a safe place for everybody. Now as never before, it is vital that the community help spread the word about services provided by The Shelter for Abused Women & Children.

On Sunday, March 22, the Collier County Sheri­’s Office (CCSO) noted a significant increase in domestic violence-related 911 calls compared to the previous Sunday. The news was not unexpected to those who work with domestic violence.

The same health protocols and regulations established to protect the public pose significant challenges and risk to victims of domestic violence. Isolation and social distancing can trap victims in their homes with their abusers and away from the people and resources that could help them.

No one should have to be isolated in a home with an abusive partner. It is a toxic situation that impacts the safety and wellbeing of the family, the neighborhood and the entire community. The Shelter’s 24-hour Crisis Line is available to assist with safety planning and support, and our emergency shelter remains open with bed space available to victims in abusive relationships.

The Shelter and CCSO are working closely to ensure that victims receive help both during and after a call to 911 and that perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes. Proactively, CCSO detectives work daily with The Shelter to identify cases of domestic violence with potential lethality. Victims are then contacted to make them aware of Shelter services before it is too late. The CCSO Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART), made up of trained victim advocates and detectives, provides transportation to safety, crisis intervention, support, referrals to community agencies, court accompaniment and personal advocacy.

Domestic violence does not stop at the front door; it impacts our whole community. Your assistance is critical to saving lives. If you see something, say something. Call 911. If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence, call The Shelter’s 24-hour Crisis Line at 239-775-1101. Victims can also email info@naplesshelter.org to access information and assistance.