Endowment Funds
Endowment funds provide perpetual and lasting financial resources for The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, and help ensure the continued excellence of The Shelter’s programs by supplementing operating support and allowing innovative programs to grow and excel. They may be directed to specific programs of The Shelter including: Emergency Services, The Shelly Stayer Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking & Domestic Violence in Immokalee, Legal Services, Economic Empowerment, or Primary Prevention.
Named endowment funds at The Shelter are established with a minimum gift of $100,000, and may be funded with outright gifts of cash, securities, other assets, or through your estate. If you choose to establish an endowment fund through your will, sample language may include:
“I bequeath to The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, in Naples, Florida, the sum of ($_____________) to establish an endowment, (name of endowment), with the annual income going to support and benefit the (_________________________) program.”
Endowment funds are invested carefully, with the income earned used to support the program(s) designated by the donor. As the principal of the endowment is never spent, the fund provides a perpetual stream of income for the desired program or service at The Shelter, allowing us to plan for the future with strength and security.
All donors who make planned gifts to The Shelter for Abused Women & Children qualify for membership in The Circle of Peace, our planned giving society. For more information, please contact our office at 239-775-3862.
This information is taken from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to completeness or accuracy. You are urged to seek the advice of your financial planner, attorney and/or tax advisor to make certain a contemplated gift fits well into your overall circumstances and planning.