Page 3 - 2016 The Shelter Impact Report
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Each day, we experience moments of awareness. Sometimes it’s a passing thought or observation; other times,
it’s an “aha” moment that sends us in a totally new direction.
Growing up in a home with domestic violence, I personally understand the impact that abuse has on children.
It was in those early moments that I developed a deep belief that every human being deserves to live a life free
from violence and abuse.
Because of your support in 2015-16, more than 470 survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking found
a moment of peace in our emergency shelter. More than 2,000 people of all ages were empowered to find their
moment of truth through outreach counseling. Over 17,000 children in our community shared moments of thoughtful
understanding through The Shelter’s prevention programs.
In these moments, we were able to heal wounds, hold hands and restore hearts in more ways than ever before.
But amid the successes of the previous year, we look toward the challenges of the next.
As you read this year’s impact report, we hope you will be inspired by the stories shared by survivors of domestic
violence and human trafficking. Perhaps you will reflect on your own personal moment, when you first chose to
share The Shelter’s vision of safety, hope and healing. If you would like to share that moment with us or discuss
ways to expand your involvement with The Shelter, we would love to hear from you.
In peace,
Linda Oberhaus | Executive Director