QR Code for recording Volunteer Hours
It is now SUPER EASY to LOG-IN to record your hours using your smart phone!
From your Computer:
If you are reading this on your personal computer, CLICK HERE to print out the QR code and keep it handy at home or in your purse so you can easily log-in anywhere!
- Once you have printed out the QR code, open the camera on your phone and point it at the QR code on the page.
- Tap the square or banner that appears and follow the instructions on the screen.
From your Phone:
If you are reading this on your smart phone, follow the directions below to save the QR code to your photos for future reference.
- Press on the QR code below and choose “Save to photos” (or take a screen shot of this page) You will now have the code saved in your photos for future reference.
- Go to your saved photos and press on the QR code. Choose “open” – the page should open on your phone. (Note: there is a five-minute window to start logging your hours.)
If you have any problems with the instructions above, contact Kaydee at 239-775-3862 or ktuff@naplesshelter.org