Healing Arts Program


The Shelter’s Healing Arts program helps survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking move toward wholeness, wellness and personal growth in the aftermath of trauma.

It is known that survivors of abuse can experience long-term changes to their mental and emotional health, even after leaving an abusive relationship. These changes may include anxiety, anger, fear, sadness, isolation, irritability, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, guilt, shame, and /or negative self-image. Studies have shown that traumatic memories are stored in the right back region of the brain, which is associated with non-verbal memories such as sights, sounds, and smells associated with a past event, rather than the left front area of the brain, which is associated with verbal memories.

Art expression can activate the right brain by incorporating the senses and by providing visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic, information. Healing arts activities have the ability to tap into traumatic memories the way that other, less sensory activities may not. The following modalities are provided:

All services are provided free of charge. For more information, call 239.775.3862 ext. 203.