Shelly Stayer

Dear Friends,

Like you, family is especially important to me. That is why, for the past eight years, I have supported the work of The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. The programs and services provided by The Shelter bring hope and healing to thousands of individuals and families in our community.

For this reason, I deeply support The Shelter’s campaign to build an emergency shelter in Immokalee, Florida. This facility will transform the lives of survivors of domestic violence as well as provide long-term therapeutic care for victims of human trafficking.

Our campaign acronym RISE lifts up our call for action, asking each of us to:

  • Respond to the need
  • Inspire others to join
  • Support the mission and
  • Empower survivors

The Shelter’s Board of Directors and Board of Trustees have joined me in this bold vision by making the construction of The Shelly Stayer Shelter a top priority for their gifts. Will you join us? Please review the information provided and search your heart. Consider how your gift today will help survivors of abuse and violence RISE to new heights through hope and healing.

Shelly Stayer