The Shelter’s Healing Arts advocate Aimee Boglio discusses the services provided by The Shelter for Abused Women & Children during the Jan. 13 edition of D’Latinos.

The Shelter Residential Manager Lise Descoteaux talks with WINK reporter Jennifer Jones about what happens to human trafficking victims after their captors are arrested.

Back from their 12-day, 1,200-mile bicycle ride from Naples to Washington, DC, The Shelter’s GADV Spokes’men share their story on Fox 4 Morning Blend.

Read their full 13-day blog

On May 26, 2016 a Butterfly Bench Dedication was held to honor Mana Holtz for more than two decades of dedicated service to The Shelter for Abused Women & Children.


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After nearly a year of planning and training, Shelter “Spokes’men” Colin Estrem, Gordon Kellam and Glen Schwesinger hit the road at 9 a.m. this morning, Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 7th Avenue Social. The three members of Gentle’men Against Domestic Violence are riding 1,256 miles from Naples to Washington, DC to raise awareness for GADV, which calls on men to stand as equal partners with women to end domestic violence. Safe travels to our three Spokes’men! Watch their blog for updates on their exciting journey!

The Shelter enjoyed a very full year of events, activities and program offerings in 2015-18. Enjoy this video of our year in review.

Ride for The Shelter ‘Spokes’men’ Colin Estrem and Gordon Kellam discussed their upcoming Ride for The Shelter on Fox 4’s Morning Blend. Join us as we send them off at 8 a.m., Saturday, April 16, at 7th Avenue Social, 849 7th Ave S #101, Naples. Click here for more information.


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2016 Volunteer Brunch Video

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2016 Volunteer Salute Video



Volunteer of the Year June Ballew, left, with Volunteer Manager Naomi Goren

2016 Volunteer of the Year June Ballew, left, with Volunteer Manager Naomi Goren

Under the theme, “Giving Time, Touching Hearts,” The Shelter for Abused Women & Children honored its 440 dedicated volunteers, April 6, with a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch at The Naples Grande. In 2015-16, Shelter volunteers logged an amazing 18,800 hours of service. If monetized, the total would exceed $434,500, based on 2015 figures from the Nonprofit Times.

The lion’s share of the volunteer hours were given at The Shelter’s Options Thrift Shoppe, but countless hours were also spent answering The Shelter’s crisis hotline, making copies, attending events, cleaning, organizing the food pantry or serving on various Shelter boards and committees.

This year’s Shelter Volunteer of the Year was June Ballew, who also received two other outstanding volunteer awards that morning. Ballew has worked in just about every aspect of The Shelter since she began volunteering in 2014.  She currently serves as a certified emergency shelter volunteer, a Shelter Guild member, “Head Christmas Elf” and is a loyal attendee of Shelter fundraising events. More recently, Ballew also began training new emergency shelter volunteers.

“There are some special people you meet, and you just know they ‘get it,’” said Shelter Volunteer Manager Naomi Goren. “June is that kind of volunteer. She is dedicated, committed and relied upon like any staff member. She shines because she has a heart of gold. She works tirelessly, knowing she will receive nothing in return – sharing her time and talent simply because she wants to give.”

Other Outstanding Shelter volunteers for 2015-16 included:

  • Holiday Volunteers – June Ballew, Lois Castronova, and Maxine Robbins.
  • Administrative Volunteers – Lois Castronova, Declan McGarvey, and Kathy Ridenour
  • New Volunteer – Chuck Gottschalk
  • Shelter Guild Volunteers – Myrna Hamilton and Linda Meak
  • Mending Broken Hearts With Hope Luncheon Volunteers – Mary Ann Jenkins and Lynn Wigton
  • Options Volunteers – Sandra Estridge, Mary Greer, Barbara Johnson and Sharon Sheline
  • Outreach Volunteers – Catherine Blair, Alexandria Christ, and Dianne Lukasz
  • Emergency Shelter Volunteer – June Ballew

Volunteers with 10 or more years of service included Phyllis Bond- 13, Pat Boysen- 10, Janice Carter- 21, Carol Chapman-13, Rita Collins- 10, Sandra Estridge- 20, Caroline Gliwa-10, Mary Greer- 15, Nancy Herbert-10, Shirley Hoerle- 11, Patty Innamorati- 13, Eileen Johnson- 13, Barbara Johnson-17, Chris Kardon- 12, Betty Keller- 13, Patti Kipp- 13, Norma Laird-10, Barbara Lauber-11, Ruth Mast- 13, Jimany Sue McLaughlin- 19, Diane Messana- 13, Shirley Neu-10, Lorraine Newcomb-14, Katy Olson- 12, RaeAnn Patton- 12, Annabella Richardi- 16, Janice Rogers-11, Sue Silber-11, Betty Tinsler- 11, Jean Travlos- 10, and Irmgard Wannamaker- 10, Char Werdell- 10.

Shelter Executive Director Linda Oberhaus also shared a few words with those in attendance, stating, “Whether volunteering at Options, in our emergency shelter, in administration, or on one of our boards, we appreciate the difference that you are making in the lives of some of the most vulnerable families in our community.”

On Saturday, April 16, 2016, Naples Businessmen Colin Estrem, Gordon Kellam and Glen Schwesinger will embark on a 1,256-mile bicycle ride from Naples, FL to the Nation’s Capitol, to raise awareness and funding for The Shelter’s Gentle’men Against Domestic Violence® (GADV) initiative, which calls on men to stand as equal partners with women to end domestic violence. Along the way, they will meet with everyday citizens, NFL representatives and political leaders to bring their message to the national level.

CLICK HERE  for more information on Ride for The Shelter, visit or call 239-775-3862.  Enjoy the video below.

The Shelter’s Stewardship Manager Rebecca Thompson discusses The Shelter’s Old Bags Luncheon on Fox 4’s Morning Blend program. The event will be held at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, March 24, at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples. CLICK HERE for tickets

The Shelter’s Gentle’men Against Domestic Violence® (GADV) 2016 Men’s Tailgate Party drew an attendance of over 180 men on Monday, Feb. 22, at Bay Colony Golf Club. A signature event of the GADV, the Annual Tailgate Party raises funding as well as awareness for the initiative’s directive, which calls on men to stand with women as equal partners to stop domestic violence and break the cycle of domestic abuse.

GADV supports The Shelter’s eight-week Raising Gentle’men Program, a school-based curriculum presented to over 3,400 boys and young men in schools throughout Collier County. Raising Gentle’men advocates challenge boys and young men to replace stereotypical ideas of men as controlling, aggressive and gaining power through violence, with the truth that men can be gentle, compassionate and kind without risking their identities.

New van

The Immokalee Outreach Office staff with new van.

A portion of the proceeds from the event was slated to purchase a new van and new playground equipment. Thanks to the generosity of attendees, The Shelter was able to purchase both items! The van has arrived (see right) and measurements for the playground equipment have been taken, with a custom plan to arrive soon.

CLICK HERE For more information on how you can become a GADV member.  For more information, call Senior Development Officer Tamika Seaton at 239.775.3862 ext. 217 or email

Enjoy this video from the 2016 Men’s Tailgate Party!

Shelter Board Member Christy Carpenter, a survivor of domestic abuse, and a former Emergency Shelter participant talk with NBC-2 news reporter Bryan Anderson about new lines of jewelry that help keep victims safe.

The Shelter Executive Director Linda Oberhaus discusses Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month on Fox 4’s Morning Blend, Feb. 12, 2016.

No More 2016 commercial

No More 2015 commercial

By Lara O’Reilly
Business Insider

No More, the campaign addressing domestic violence and sexual-assault awareness, aired its second Super Bowl ad during Sunday’s big game — and it looks to have stopped many viewers in their tracks amid the slew of humorous spots from big-brand advertisers.

The ad depicted a text-message conversation between two friends, set to the background noise of a typical Super Bowl party.

One of the friends sends photos from the party, while the other — Jess — explains that it’s probably not a good idea to be there herself because “Jake is in one of his moods.”

When her friend asks about Jess’ safety, Jess begins to type a reply.

The three-dots symbol for typing keeps popping up on the screen, but Jess never returns the message.

Text appears on the screen: “There are many signs of domestic violence and sexual assault. Learn how to help. Text ‘No more’ to 94543.” People who text the number will receive messages educating them on the common signs of abuse and the steps they can take to help victims.

The 30-second commercial aired during the third quarter of the game. The airtime was donated by the NFL, which has taken steps to address domestic violence since it received heavy criticism for the way it handled running back Ray Rice’s punching his then-fiancée in 2014.

No More director Virginia Witt said in a press release: “This PSA [public service announcement] captures how most young people — and many others — use texting to communicate and how sometimes saying a little says a lot. Learning more can empower people to have potentially lifesaving conversations and reach out for help. We hope this will be one more step toward the culture change we are seeking around domestic violence and sexual assault.”

The spot follows No More’s debut Super Bowl campaign last year. That hard-hitting commercial was based on a real 911 call in which a woman pretended she was ordering a pizza to subtly call for help.


The Shelter’s Healing Arts Advocate Erin Beltavski was featured on the Fox 4 Morning Blend Show, Dec. 18, 2015.

Mercato celebrated its annual Mercato Goes Purple, Saturday, Oct. 24, with a variety of purple specials throughout the shopping district. Held in partnership with The Shelter for Abused Women & Children during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Mercato Goes Purple raises awareness to further The Shelter’s mission to prevent, protect and prevail over domestic violence.

In addition to the store specials, patrons had the opportunity to participate in the Passport to Peace drawing, take part in Hands are for Helping, and enjoy the cool sounds of the band Karibbean Groove.

The Shelter’s Community Education and Training Manager Karen Harmon was a recent guest on Fox 4’s Morning Blend. Karen discussed The Shelter and the upcoming Mercato Goes Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness, Oct. 24.

CLICK  to view the video


The Shelter’s Senior Development Officer Tamika Seaton discussed planned giving during a recent edition of Fox 4’s Morning Blend. Check out the full interview below.