The cost of domestic violence in Collier County

The impact of domestic violence and human trafficking reaches far beyond the victims, because violence at home does not stop at the front door; it spills out into our workplaces, schools, places of worship, and other social places where people gather.  It costs us tens of millions of dollars in medical care, social services, lost wages and productivity.

Last year, there were over 1,400 calls to 911 regarding domestic violence in Collier County – thousands more incidents went unreported.

We all know the devastating cost to victims, but to quantify the monetary cost to our community, The Shelter worked closely with national consultants, local law enforcement, Collier County government and healthcare officials to create the infographic at right.

In 2023, the estimated cost of domestic violence in Collier County equaled $30.8 million dollars conservatively. Law enforcement costs were $18.2 million, medical costs exceeded $8.6 million and local businesses sustained over $4 million from lost work days and productivity.

In addition to costing us millions of dollars each year, abusers and traffickers pose a direct threat to our public safety, as the abuse and exploitation inevitably seep out into various aspects of our public life.

The cost of domestic violence in Collier County is high, both financially and socially, but with your help, we believe we can stop this generational cycle of abuse for generations to come. Your support for the shelter is a personal investment in the safety of your family and loved ones; for as long as abusers perpetrate violence on their victims, they will continue to perpetrate violence in our community.